Custom sawing on your request
Why Choose Our Stainless Steel Rectangle Bar? Custom sawing services available upon request. Our specialized sawmill center follows a rigorous process routine. With our expanding and adaptable facilities, we can efficiently handle small, medium, and large production runs. Our extensive inventory, totaling over 4,000 tons of material, consists of more than 20 grades of flat steel that can be custom sawn and delivered just-in-time.
At VOSS Special Steel LP, your steel supplier, you can expect highest quality and short delivery times for quality steels from stock. Flat steel and sheets, cut to size and processed according to your requirements. Fast delivery of all steel materials, directly from our stock. The material is suitable for stainless steel high-pressure pumps for the oil and gas industry.

Forged steel block from stock

We also offer various processing and machining services:
Cut to size
Machining processes
Proper re-sealing of products
Main advantages:
High cutting precision
High quality of cuts through the use of a new generation of carbide and high speed steel saw blades
Contact us now for more information. We are also online on Linkedin with our steel products.
Produced to highest standards

Quick delivery

From stock in Texas